How we can create a mutually respectful time together

No encounter throughout our day is identical, it is dependent on the complex individuals involved. My companionship is the same, I offer a personalized experience for my suitors, often the comfort found in our connection naturally unravels and over time is altered as we meet more regularly and are given the opportunity to be open to each others preferences, nuances and unique quirks. I can not respond to communications asking for a “menu”, this also shows a clear difference in our definition of discretion.

I understand that our morals may not always be aligned and will do my best to understand where you are coming from, but please understand that racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia and any ignorance with violent tones will not be tolerated.

Your privilege of access to my private upscale space should always be respectful and kept out of conversations to maintain our privacy. I take my privacy very seriously and of course I will do the same for yours.

Our private communications remain between us. Screenshotting or similar methods are not permitted and is considered a break of my personal trust, this action will result in termination of our connection.

I do not consent to any photography or filming.